Tuesday, June 14, 2016

~~ Traveling Solo ~~

The past two weeks I have been on my own as I traveled through the Midwest United States. I have never been to Kansas, Nebraska or Iowa, so I went on a journey to see the countryside. I stayed on a cattle ranch, so I could experience a rural lifestyle.

During the weeks before I left town, I didn't even bother telling my friends that I was planning a solo trip. As soon I mention the idea, they start to protest the idea. Otherwise, they look at me as if I'm crazy. Many women travel for business, and that's not a big deal. For years, I worked as a photojournalist and traveled throughout the southeast without any problems. Traveling alone for enjoyment is still taboo for women. Sure, there's the chance that my car might breakdown in an unsafe neighborhood, but that could happen at home in Georgia. Crime can happen anywhere, so a person must pay attention to their surroundings.

For emergencies, I carry a phone and a AAA card. I keep in contact with friends and family. I let them know of my route in advance, so everyone has an idea of my schedule and my location. I leave notes or emails if I do go hiking stating where I'm going and when I should be back, so people can figure out there's a problem if I get lost or injured.

I love to getaway and see the world, and it so hard to find someone that wants to do the exact same things and find the time to get away. Many friends have families with important responsibilities, so it's impossible for them to getaway for a few days. Over the years, I got tired of the rejection when I asked people to join me, so now I go on my own about once a year.

The first trip I took was to Boston for a Pablo Picasso exhibit, and then I went onto Cape Cod for a few nights. While in Boston, I visited Harvard Yard and walked around the campus. I stayed at a my first bed and breakfast while visiting the cape. It was one of the best trips that I ever took, and I did it solo.

A few months later I met my husband, and we traveled together. My husband is very persnickety regarding his destinations, and I soon found out there were many places he didn't want to visit. Some of those places I desperately wanted to visit. For years, I didn't travel by myself, but then my need to roam the earth became too strong. Finally, I went off on my own, and I don't regret a minute of it.

More stories and photos:

All photos are property of April Kooy Riley.
For more information email AK_images@aol.com.

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  1. This great country has so much to see and experience. I'm sure you'll find a way to see it all!

  2. One day.... Thanks for all your encouragement!
