Friday, February 17, 2017

Bees Bees Not Anywhere

My Editorial 

Today, we have come closer to losing our clean water and clean air with Scott Pruitt becoming EPA administrator. There is also a proposed bill in the House of Representatives to terminate the whole Environmental Protection Agency, which was introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Massie Thomas (R-KY), Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS), and Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA).

The Republicans are showing their true colors by allowing big businesses to pollute our water and air. Here’s another example with bumblebees.

President Trump’s White House blocked the Bumblebee as an endangered species. Bumblebees have a key role in producing much of the food that we eat through pollination. Through the work of bumblebee, many commercial crops such as tomatoes, peas, apples and strawberries are produced. These are foods that we consume every day.

Honeybees and bumblebees are dying off in the United States. The bee population has dropped 90 percent since the beginning of the 1990s. Emissions from power plants and automobiles have impacted the insects' demise. Air pollution interferes with the ability of bees to follow the scent of flowers to their source, undermining the essential process of pollination. Flowers produce scent-bearing hydrocarbon, which are overwhelmed when they come into contact with ozone and other pollutants, such as nitric oxides found in diesel fuel.

When it comes to our food supply, we should all take note of what is going on before it’s too late. Please see The Natural Resource Defense Council for more information.

Monday, August 8, 2016

~ Favorite Photos from July 2016 ~

Favorite pictures taken by April K. Riley over the month of July 2016.
Click on the caption for more information and photos.

A flower photographed in Portland, Oregon.

A rose photographed in Portland, Oregon.

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Seattle, Washington

Dublin, Ireland

Key West, Florida

Seattle, Washington

Dublin, Ireland

Key West, Florida

All photos are property of April K. Riley. Please ask permission before use.

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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Staying Healthy

In the last ten years, there has been a push in preventing cancer, but yet according to the American Cancer Society, they predict 1,685, 210 new cases of cancer in the U.S. for the year 2016. The truth is that it's easier to prevent cancer than it is to cure it. Although, every day researchers are finding better ways of curing the disease.

Here is a reminder of how to live healthier:

1-Eat your vegetables. It is recommended to have the minimum of five vegetables or fruits a day. Don't include fruit juices with the five vegetables or fruits since they contain a high amount of sugar.

2-Stay away from tobacco products. Do what you can to stay away from tobacco and stop smoking. Start today. Keep your mind busy, so you don't think about your cigarettes. Try chewing sugarfree gum.

3-Exercise. Walking is an easy way to exercise, and swimming is great for people with joint issues. Researchers believe exercise help prevent heart disease. Out of control diabetes can cause nerve damage and heart disease, so do your best to control diabetes with exercise and eating right. See more on diabetes.

4-Cut out processed meats. Last year, the World Health Organization announced that they are classifying processes meats as a carcinogen. Processed meats are including bacon, hot dogs, ham, sausage, and some deli meats. The normal American and European diet usually has these meats involve in at least one meal a day, so this has been a huge change that many people have ignored. People with a family history of colon cancer should avoid these certain meats altogether.

5-Avoid alcohol. A glass of wine or beer a week has a nice calming effect, but two glasses a day is dangerous to the liver especially for women. One woman had a glass of wine after work everyday, but after a few years she needed a liver transplant. It's also addictive, so try to avoid a habit.

We need to get back to the basics of eating healthy and making our own foods. Processed food has many artificial flavorings and preservatives that are not good for our bodies. Plan healthy meals in advance to avoid high carbohydrate snacking that causes weight gain.


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All photos are property of April K. Riley. Please ask permission before use.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Day Trips from Seattle, Washington

Seattle, Washington, seen from Puget Sound.

1-San Juan Islands has 172 islands and 300 miles of shoreline. The three main islands are Orcas, Lopez and San Juan Island. Each island has a different feel due to it's topography. Wildlife found on or near the islands includes orca whales, bald eagles and harbor seals. It's a known tourist destination for sea kayaking. 


2-Mount Ranier is the tallest mountain in the Pacific Northwest and the State of Washington at 14,411 feet. With it's last eruption being in 1854, this active volcano is located 54 miles south of Seattle. It also contains 26 glaciers. The mountain is known for its many great trails for a day hike.


A deer eating leaves in the Hoh Rain Forest.

3-Olympic National Park has the only natural rain forest in the continental U.S is the Hoh Rain Forest. The National Park also has beautiful views of the Pacific Coast.


The Pacific Coast seen from Olympic National Park.

4-Pacific Coast-The Oregon and Washington coastline has some of the most beautiful seascape in North America.

5-Victoria, British Columbia, is known as the Garden City and boasts the mildest climate of Canada. The weather provides growth of many different flowers and plants throughout the year. A favorite to visit is the Butchart Gardens with its 55 acres of flowers.



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peoney head

Monday, July 11, 2016

Georgia Dragonfly Photos

Dragonfly photos were taken in Clayton
Country, Georgia, USA.

A Widow Skimmer (Libella luctuosa) male

A  Banded Pennant Dragonfly (Celithemis fasciata) female

Slaty Skimmer (Libellula incesta) male

Easten Amberwing (Perithemis tenera) male

Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis) male

Purple Bluet Damselfly (Enallagma cardemium) male

Yellow-sided Skimmer (Libellula flavida)
A Eastern Pondhawk dragonfly eats a Variable Dancer damselfly.

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Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis

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All photos are property of April Kooy Riley. Please ask permission before use.

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

MLK Jr. National Historic Site

The King Center is located in Atlanta, GeorgiaMartin 
Luther King led the American Civil Right Movement.

The tomb of Dr and Mrs. King is surrounded by the
reflecting pools.

Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929, and his
childhood home is also at the historic site.

The Ebenezer Baptist Church was built in 1914-1922.

Ebenezer Baptist Church is where Martin's father and maternal
 grandfather preached. Dr King became co-pastor at the church
 in 1960.

Life's most persistent and urgent question is 'What are you doing for others?"
Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK, Jr. wanted to be known for helping others. How are you helping people?

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A statue of Mahatma Gandhi 

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All photos are property of April K. Riley. Please ask permission before use.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Favorite Photos from June 2016

Favorite pictures taken by April Kooy Riley over the month of June 2016.
Click on the caption for more information and photos.

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All photos are property of April Kooy Riley. Please ask permission before use.

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