Thursday, May 19, 2016

~ Tips to help with Stress and Anxiety ~

We worry about our family members. We worry what the boss thinks about our work. We worry about traffic and being late. A little worry helps keep us in line, so we do a good job. Stress can be helpful in dealing with an unsolved problem. A mild amount is considered good for the normal person, but for some us, anxiety can be overwhelming and start to consume our whole lives if we are not careful. It interrupts our sleep causing nightmares and insomnia.

I have friends that are workaholics, and they can’t slow down and relax. They are bored the first few days of vacation because it takes a few days for them to unwind.

We have all heard that you need to get your heart rate up with exercise. Your mind and body also need down time to deal with the stress building up in your body. Some people do this by walking, meditating, or by praying. Others find solace in reading a book, but that doesn’t always give your mind time to relax. 

Here are a few tips to relax:

1. If you are worried about something out of your control, tell yourself over and over that everything is going to be fine and will work out for the best. 

2. Try to be positive when things are getting you down. Being negative and worrying about an outcome could trigger depression or unhappy feelings. A positive attitude helps you achieve your goals and improves the ability of being happy with your life. Norman Vincent Peale has written many books on the power of having a positive attitude. If this is your issue, I recommend picking up one of his books.

3. Try to relax by deep breathing exercises. Inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, and then exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times, and you will start to relax. 

4. As you do the deep breathing exercises, try to clear your head. Remove all stressful thoughts by thinking about nature. I usually think about a sunset at the beach or springtime flowers. Many athletes visualize about making the play or crossing the finish line. This helps realize their goals are within reach.

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