Thursday, April 21, 2016

~~~~~~ 5 Excuses to be Happy ~~~~~~

Happiness has been found in places overlooked in the past

1) You are unique. Embrace the differences between you and everyone else. The world would be a boring place if everyone acted the same. Don’t try to live up to someone else’s expectations, so set your own goals to make your dreams come true. The way to accomplish your big goals is to start small and slowly build up to those main goals.

2) Tomorrow can be a better day. If life isn’t going as planned, you can make changes, so that things will improve for tomorrow. I see too many people that give up when the chips are down. If times are tough, this is the moment to figure out how you can improve the situation. Forget the past, and forgive yourself for the human mistakes that you have made. You have to find a way to move on to the present and future. Many people are stuck in the past and can’t move forward to a preferable prospect. When one door closes, a better door opens.

I know a woman who lost her son in a car accident. She could have spent years thinking of what could have been, but after a period of grieving, she decided to have another child at age 45, which is not easy. Not everyone who grieves can replace the love that they have lost, but they could try to bring their love to the lonely. There are nursing homes full of people who would love someone to spend time with them. I worked two years in a long term facility or nursing home, and there are many amazingly smart people who live there due to not having a support system that could take care of them. Volunteering at the local level usually has many opportunities to help people. There are children in need of foster parents. Many of these children may have never known unconditional love.

3) Look beyond yourself and enjoy helping other people. Realizing that money doesn't make a person happy, but helping people and animals have a way of bringing joy into someone else's life and your own. Many rich people are very unhappy and find out much too late that family and friendships are more important than money. As we get older, our family and friends move away or pass away, so holidays are spent alone. It’s different when we are younger, and we chose to be alone. This gives us a sense of empowerment. Recently, I had a patient that didn’t like her birthday because it reminded her of the wonderful days she spent with her sister, but now her sister was gone. All she had was memories, and no one to celebrate the day with her.

4) Happy people are more keen and able to accomplish their goals, but depressed people have a hard time getting anything done. Meanwhile, accomplishing goals brings more happiness. Keeping busy is one way of curing basic depression naturally.

5) Find peace by appreciating what you have and the people who cares about you. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence. The risk of going over the fence could be fulfilling, but it could be heartbreaking. It’s best to appreciate what you have before going over the fence, so you can return if thing don’t work out. Too many people burn bridges when they leave the family, the job and old friends.

The key to happiness is appreciating what you have and not focusing on things that you don’t have. It's a difficult thing to do, but once accomplished your life will change for the better.

Life is short, so enjoy it.

For more stories see: April Riley
April Riley


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